Saturday 4 April 2015

Om, tatsaditi....| (Gita XVII 23)

Om tat sat
   Om is the beginning, an explosion in space, akasha, the mind! It is the creator of desire and "desire is brahman'. It is also the end. Everything ends as Om tat sat ||
 Before doing anything (action) there shall be silence; silence is of different levels- total and absolute, vibrant but silent, vibrant with waves of low to high frequencies and finally, an inaudible sound begins. These are mahattanta shanta, pradhvansha, prak and and anahata shabda. Thus, from silence comes the sound and, with the death of sound, reappears silence. Silence is thus the only truth and sound is untruth! Everything thus come from silence, (from nothing comes things)! The process of silence creating sound word and the world is as follows:
 sada asadameva agra aasit | (Rk Veda, Nasadiya sukta)  Neither sat (existence) nor asat (non-existence) was there in the beginning. Everything was absolutely silent (shanta), non-moving (nishcala). It is mahattanta shanta, atyantaabhava, called the state of brahman; it is silent but dynamic. This silence is followed by slight stirring (desire!), It is anyonyaabhava. This is how one only becomes two; it is a desire it is desire for expression- eko'ham bahusyam | (Rk Veda). The lord said, "I am alone; I shall become many". Thus the anyonyata, identifying the self with the self  as 'the other' begins. It is one's own creation and nothing else. 'The other' has not yet come (and will never be!). Then comes praagabhaava and the pradhvamshaabhava, the brahman manifests as 'the other'. There is thus 'only one' and no other; the other is the illusion, avidya.
For example, i am a bachelor and desire to marry. It is the desire of my self to express that creates 'the other' as an illusory second! Had there been no desire to marry the question of 'the other' would not arise at all. The other is thus my own creation! The most beautiful thing is that "the other is already in me and that  only comes out as an expression of the desire!" There is only one and no other- ekam advitiyam | This is similar to a girl has not even developed a womb and then comes a womb and a child impregnated in it! This is how things come out of desire, nothing but an imagination, dream, images, and ideas. Desire as brahman manifests as the objective world of i he she it they, etc. just for a while, if i think i am nobody (as in sleep) there is neither, i nor the objective phenomenal world. So also in deep samadhi, nothing but brahman, not even the desire to express, manifest, is there. This the sat. Om tat sat iti ||
   'I' am nobody in the beginning and nobody at the end; whatever 'i am' in the middle is an illusion.This 'i' is the cause of creation 'asat', avidya (jnyan covered by sheaths of desire and attachment) . The spirit vibrates to create a vibrant universe that springs up in our mind. It is like a serpent superposed on a rope in our mind (rajju sarpa bhrama). There is neither a serpent nor the rope! 
  This is how spirit manifests as matter, and matter reverts to its source (in silence). Buddha is the state of this realization and Gautama attained it; none else so far during the last 2500 years? Buddhi is vibration 'chit'; and, buddha is the realization of brahmn. The vibration ceases at this state. It is nirvana, not shunyata. From concrete, rational and scientific called the illusory world we return to the Absolute via the metaphysical, the spiritual, abstract, and ultimately to total silence- atyantaabhava (full of energy but not vibrant/rajas). That is how spiritually attained people become muni or mouni (silent).
 How to express silence, spirit and matter that manifest in different forms, functions and names?
alphabets and words are necessary to express our ideas! Man is the only evolved animal who can speak, that too, if the Vak Devi gives Her blessings. There are deaf and dumb amidst us. Now, i would like to add: "If Devi Sharadamba wills it, we will have it." Many stories of Devi Sharadamba's power and glory are there.
  The alpha and Beta of this cosmic entity cannot be expressed without the help of alphabets / akshara and pada only become the padartha prapancha (phenomenal objective world).
  'Om' is the beginning and end of this universe. 'Om' is the spirit as well as the mattere, it is efficient as wll as the material cause of this universe. Brahmn is thus the efficient cause in Om (nada brahma) and the material cause as AUM - the creative power. All the powers such as srushti, sthiti, laya, vikasa, and vilaya manifest from Brahman, Om tat sat. This is the maha mantra, the Lord Krishna says in Ch.XVII Verse 23.
  Om, tat, and sat are explained here. 'Om' is the primordial sound that manifests from 'tat' tat brahma, tat vishnu, tat sarvam, tat paramam padam; 'sat' is the existence- absolute unmanifest tat/ sat/ brahman, and the three words- Om tat sat explains the beginning and the end!.
Om, aum, and aummmmm
  Here is the secret of creation, sustenance, development, and dissolution!
  Om (AUM) is the logos. Even before the scriptures in different languages appeared anywhere in the world, there came these icons, logos. Swastika, Cross, Crescent Moon and Star, etc are all very significant.The firs sound emanate from cosmic consciousness is the Om. This is said to be the primeval sound that produced the universe as nadabrahma. Om is the sound that always exist in parame vyoman (Akasha); akasha and vayu emanate from this nadabrahman (primordial sound/ anahata dhvani) and shabda (sound) is the tanmatra (subtle form) of akasha and the ear is created as an organ to hear this!  
  When the universe came into existence from the brahman as vibration it replicated at three levels- the cosmic (brahmanda), the jiva (pindanda) and the jiva kosha (andanda). The same design is found in all the three levels of manifestation of saguna brahman. and the material cause is the sound and the efficient cause is nirguna brahman (attributeless, Abstract).
   A thousand page explanation could be given to bring out the meaning, purport and power of this One and a half syllable! Briefly, Om is the inaudible (anahata) sound (shabda) that emanates from the vibration of chit, consciousness (desire of brahman to manifest). The appropriate Rk Vedic statement is eko'ham bahusyam | Thus the supreme Lord manifests as shabda brahman. The process of evolution is thus, nihshabda (absolute silence /mahattanta shanta followed by vibration /spanda, nada (subtle sound), akshara, pada, artha (meaning of the word materializing in imagination, image/ ideation/kalaa) and padartha (material object). All these process take place at the will of the Lord instantly because the supreme Lord is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent (that is what we attribute to HIM?). As already stated He manifests at three levels.
  As Alphabet (alpha and beta of the universe!) akshara (syllable) "Om" is a one-and-a-half letter, three letters (AUM), and three-and-a-half letter word (AUMm) word. It starts with 'a' (first syllable of aksharabrahma a of the akshara mala (garland of letters/ Garland of Devi Saraswati/Sharada) and ends with M (Maya/Prakruti) at the end of pa, pha ba, bha ma.Here 'a' is the sound or desire (iccha) full of desire (of Shiva) to expand attributed to Brahmn. 'u' is the creative power (Uma u (devi/shakti, and ma creative force). Together Shiva and uma create the universe as purusha and prakruti! The result is the sun (star) and the earth (planet/s). The jiva rashi (living beings) are supported by the life-breath /prana shakti) air (vayu) as 'm' (pranadeva/maruti); in fact, Rama (Ra/ surya and Ma/ Sita/pruthvi) connected by Vayuputra/ pranashakti) supporting the jiva also means the same!
   Thus, AUM constitutes Brahma (A), Vishnu (U) and Maheshvara (M)- the three powers/shakti that simultaneously operate everywhere. It works as Mind in the humans (man);  'manas' is thus the vibrant energy whose deity is Moon (chandra),
  Om is thus the beginning and the end of all that we know as creation, sustenance and dissolution, the most powerful sacred word, mantra. These subtle forces (spirit) operating in the creation of the universe (gross) will not be understood by any human being because these are extremely subtle forces (Shakti) and the power of the human senses is extremely gross and limited.
   Now the expression given to the objective phenomenal world in so many words in different languages like Greek, Latin, Samskrutam or Kannada shall be with the help of thi shakti; the soundsa) ohvaf h (puraka ucin-breate Alphabets/Akashara (letters) mala (garland) consisting vowels (Eng. 5 a, e, i, o, u and Samsk. 16- a, A to am, aha) and Consonants -Eng. 21 and Samsk. 31.- ka, Ka to sha Sha, sa ha)..
   The beauty of the Samskruta bhasha is that every syllable is a seed word (bijakshara) full of knowledge, information, technology and knowledge of ability to transform (KITKAT). Thus, 'a' is brahman A is ananda/bliss; i and I are the shakti bija of iccha(desire); u, U contain the power/shakti of creation (krisyashakti); a+e becomes ye, and a+u becomes O, that contain the power of manifestation of Lord's will (icCha) to create and transform objects at His will.
  ya, ra, la, va, are the plexus of consciousness (prajnya chakra) ksha is the dissolutive power (kshara/ dissolve); when 'a' that is brahman (Macro) descends to manifest giving up His/Her/Its/That power the micro level universe of objects are created by the vibration of His chit (consciousness/prajnya).
thus, a A to am aha are the spiritual power inherent in the seed letters (bijakshara) capable of creation. The consonanant are incapable of any creation without these vowels.
ka cha ta tha pa vargadi alphabets create the material universe:
k+a varga create panch maha bhuta akasha, vayu, agni, jala and pruthvi;
ch+a varga create tanmatras shabda, sparsha, drushya, rasa and gandha;
T+a varga create pancha jnyana indriya;
t+a varga create pancha karma indriya;
pa pha ba bha and ma are the powers of creation, sustenance, development and dissolution as also manas, buddhi, ahankara, chitta and chittavrutti, as also, power of Shiva including anugraha and tirodana.  S+h+i+va /ve becomes Shiva /shive- the purusha and prakruti.
Sha, sha, sa, and ha are the most important syllables. s, h, and a appear in all these syllables; s s+a is sa= srushti shakti; the sound of puraka /uchvasa or in-breath; 'ha' is the sound of rechaka/out-breath/nihshvasa; sa and ha keep us alive. out-breath goes out as ha and never returns we are dead. If in-breath sa comes back we gain back our prana. Thus we are dieing and coming back to life every moment of our life with out-breath (nihshvas and in-breath uchvasa. Shiva is shava without the creative power (in breath (prana shakti) 'e'/shive. Thus the syllables s+h+a makes parabrahman shiva (am) and his creative power Shive (aH :). The terms 'shi' and 'sha' are the parabrahman, purusha, and prakruti  ('am' and 'ah:') responsible for the manifest phenomenal objective (material) world. 
 Thus, Lord shiva only is seated in us in kumbhaka, the gap between in-breathing and out-breathing as the life-force. To get His darshan in pranayama is the goal of life of every human being. The sages stay in kumbhaka and become immortal.
  ya ra la va are shakti kendra; yam, ram, lam, vam, and om are the potent seed letters, bijaksahara.
   Thus 'a' to 'ksha' are the alpha and beta (alphabets) of creation, sustenance, development and dissolution. 'A' is brahman, 'ra' is Sun, and 'm' is  divine Mother Sharadamba (vidyaadayini and annapurneshvari/ pruthvi/bhu/shree devi; She is called Matrika ( Mother of the three worlds- bhu, bhuvah, and svar).
 Whoso knows this becomes omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent- immortal.
 The alphabets (the alpha and beta of creation) thus rests in the IcCha (Divine Will) and the power of Almighty! The humans are just tools in the hands of That mighty power!
   This is just one aspect of the logos OM. There are a thousand others and it is never ending! Whoso meditates on Om gets all these powers of creation, and destruction, as well; hence one should be very careful in meditating on OM. 'Om' is nada brahman, shabda brahman, as also, the Absolute Abstract parabrahman. In a sense, the sacred sound 'Om' is so powerful, full of creative and destructive power, that one should be very careful in uttering it! 
(to be concluded...) 

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