Wednesday 25 October 2023

Religion or Spirituality?

  Spirituality? Yes. Religion ? No. This is the opinion expressed by the  experts at the 9/11 International Conference of the World Religions in Montreal, Canada. The Bhagavad-Gita doctrine lays down the principles of Meditation and Yoga for this purpose. When it comes to the question of an option between religion and spirituality, the answer is obviously, 'Spirituality'. The true nature of all living beings is essentially 'spiritual'. Spiritual only becomes material! The visible material world is the manifest aspect of the divine spiritual power as rendered by the Rk veda. 'Eko'ham bahusyam' is the fundamental principle. The supreme Lord willed! He desired to experience Hi creation! The initial stages of ions named after Fermi remained inert until a catalytical agent called majorana interacted to bring in interaction and transformation in the very structure and composition directing toward diversified functions. Thus, the ions are the basic units which were transformed  by the catalytic majorana-fermions leading to the formation of the 'nuclei' of all that exist! 
  There is nothing surprising here as far as the physical transformations are considered, as generally the physicists do. However, it is not the case when the biologists enter the scene and try to find out the essential aspects of biological functions such as growth, reproduction, etc. in cell biology! The very structure of a 'cell' is surprisingly so simple but, its function is diverse and multiple. There are almost 200 000 proteins-covered cells that bring in all the diverse creations! Is the the invisible hand of some supreme power that lies behind this? The ways of Lord are simply unimaginable! This is where  spirituality comes into picture before the physical objective world is created!
  Only a yogi can visualize this secret in his/her meditative trance! Others can just engage themselves in researches or wrangling, discussions, arguments, and constructing hypotheses.