Friday 16 January 2015

Srividya- The Multifaceted Devi- The Devi as Yantra, Mantra and Tantra,

   The most secret knowledge ever heard of is "Srividya". It is the compendium esoteric sciences- yantra, mantra and tantra, that may be as well considered the theoretical and practical aspects of the ancient as well as modern physical, biological and chemical sciences and their technologies and machinations, put together. This esoteric science is full of symbols, images,icons and signs and syllables and as such makes it very difficult for even experts to decipher what it speaks of. A number of scholars have given their own commentaries on the available scripts and they do not in any way help us to know what it is all about. For example, the attained upaskas of Srividya talk about chakra dhyana and srividya upasana and call themselves samayins. Some others kall it a shakti cult and prescribe elaborate rituals. There are koulas, aghoris and natha panth followers who are great devotees of Devi Kaali Maa and Durga Devi. There are others who worship a hundred devi devatas each one with a different type of Shakti/power and adore Her with dress and arms and ammunitions such as shankha, chakra, trishula, rope and sugarcane, etc. and several hands in different styles and postures (mudras). A common man is bound to get confused when he sees the rituals performed for different devi devatas and mantras in a hundred variations and rituals each according a school of thought if its own! Thus weare bewidered. and try to forget all these and be quiet or show some curiosity and run to some teachers/preachers/or occult scientists. What do we gain from all these? we will present these step by step in the subsequent post of the blogs.

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