Sunday 21 December 2014

  Prerequisites for "Exploring Srividya":
   Srividya is an esoteric science of images, coding requires inner meaning of Samskruta alphabets, images, symbols and coded language and its decoding requires knowledge of Samskruta alphabets and their subtler aspects such as the source of their origin, inherent forces, energy, sound, etc. Here, it should be noted that every blank space between (the sandhi/gap), the dot and line, the angle of the bend, arc, circle, square have enormous power like the high tension livewires. The Sri chakra itself constitutes the body of Devi Tripureshi covering the three world- bhu /earth, bhuvah/ lunar sphere or sky, and svar (the heavens). The earth, sky and solar sphere (heavens) are also replicated in our physical body as head, body and limbs, and as in jagrata, svapna, and sushupti, and muladhra, svadhishthana and manipura plexus.
  Actually, light glows when a sadhaka drawas the Sri Chakra with contemplation and mantrajapa. Are we prepared for this regorous Srividya-the para vidya, higher knowledge. Once you gain siddhi in this, you can transform the world and  cure the illness of this world. There is no doubt.The power lies not in the Sri Chakra, not in the mantra but in our own shruddha, bhakti, bhavana and total surrender to the higher power, the elemental forces and potential within us! So our efforts should be total and effort continuous like the oil flow (tailadhara) and belief firm and unswerving! (see Bhavanopanishad and Tripuropanishad}
to bee continued...

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