Monday 2 January 2023

"I AM"

 The most intriguing aspect of our existence is whether I exist or not in real sense of the term- 'I'. Really speaking, 'I' does not exist! Since 'I' is a pronoun that stands for a noun the question of 'I' doesn't arise unless there is a noun (name of a person) to represent it. Hence, the term 'I' refers to something like 'me' with a name and designation for identification. However, there is another aspect of this term 'I'. It is that of the self. The term 'I' refers to the self. The self is the soul (Atman) as in my 'self'. Self is 'paramatman', the higher Self. In fact, both these two terms are the same, i.e., Atman is also paramatman although many argue that these are not the same, but two different concepts. Atman eva brahmn, says the Vedic texts. What all exists is the Atman, the soul, in different forms!

  Now, when i say I, the term 'I' refers to my name, form and function. This 'I' is the selfhood, ahanta. the 'aham' concept. The 'I' refers to something in me. It refers to something that is mine. This I, me, mine, are all aspects of ego that bring me to existence in this world of names of things and persons with an identity of a name, form, and function. Thus, everybody goes on with his identification, more often substituting this 'i' for his/her name. But actually, the term 'I' refers to the name of God, Bhagavan Sri Krishna! It is He who says, "I only exist and nothing beside Me. He, the Lord asserts, "I am the self of all". So, it is clear that "Atma eva paramatman".

 The impact of this concept, when fully realized by a person is such that a 'human' is transformed into the 'divine'! It is this divinity inherent in everybody that is to be brought out. This paramatman is the manifest aspect of every human and it has to be realized by one and all! God is everywhere!  

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