Wednesday 8 December 2021

Are We Aliens?

 Going by the horoscopes that indicate the birth star and the planetary positions in the twelve houses, the jiva is destined to be what it should be! Every step of life is predetermined as per this. It is prarabhda, karma, or whatever one calls it. Thus, it is open to question whether the jiva is independent having its own free lance? The jiva-rashi are the product  or by-product of soil and water as far as its terrestrial existence is concerned. But the chaitanya, prana, manas, buddhi and ahankar are all non-terrestrial! 

  The source of life is traced to the electromagnetic waves- the Light and energy emitted by Stars-near and far off! The stars are not permanent entities. They too are born and die out. Some are dwarf, and some giants. Some stars are far far away from the earth, but their emission can still influence us! The fundamental particles, the neutrons, fermions, the bosons and all that indicate the mysterious ways the nature works. Each and every star is different in structure and composition. Some are found to be made of gold, silver, and other precious minerals. All these stars are initially in gaseous state and turn into other forms as they undergo cooling and condensation. The fundamental particles are the same in the beginning, but undergo transformation later. Hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are the first to form. Water vapor, ice and water are different forms of the same combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Carbon, calcium, chlorine, etc.are all formed in a gradual process. The earth is made up of Nickel, iron, titanium, magnesium and all other minerals are formed in a gradual transformation of the basic elements. The aluminum and silicon are the lightest on the surface as compared to nickel and iron at the core of the earth. More than 78 percent of the earth's surface is covered by water and the heavier magmatic material supports the vast and deep oceans . It is still a wonder how life forms appeared on the earth!

 In fact, the emissions of rays of light of stars are the source of life. In this sense of the term the life on earth is the end product of these emissions! The elements that constitute the stars decide the things to come! Thus we, the humans, are all 'Light' only. Light means just not only the light, but also include Intelligence (I), Gravitation (G), heat (H), Time (T). The energy derived from the stars sustain the life to the extent the body can utilize and survive; however, the body is gross and depends on extraneous matter for its support like soil (food), water, air and the like

  Thus, everything is interdependent and the jiva is a link in the chain. The soul is the core, focus of the circle of vast universe! jivatman and paramatman are one!


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