Friday 30 April 2021

'Wandering Souls'

 The Soul, Atman, is the essence of all that exists. It only exists and all else are its manifest forms. The Lord says, 'ayam Atma brahmn'. The Atman is a speck of stellar dust, a particle of LIGHT that contains Light, Intelligence, Gravitational Force, Heat, and Time) that holds the key of all that exist in the Cosmos. It can create the ingredients of a Cell within its Protein cover having all the essentials like the DNA, RNA, Chromosomes, Genes, Harmons, and the Ability to multiply, create and transform itself! The NASA elaborately describes how a star is born, what happens when a star- a binary, explodes, Recently, it has found gold, silver, platinum, and all heavy metallic minerals splashed out by an exploding star! The Sun is a huge ball of fire which is burning its Hydrogen and creating Helium. All that is formed of the Planets and their satellites are the stellar material only. So also, the Atman, the Self, the soul, that gets embodied in multitude of myriads of life forms!  Hence,  it is obvious that these particles of Light float in air, near and far above the Earth. So, who are we, the mortals? We are the shining particles of light (tejomaya), but for the opaque, solid. gross physical body made of soil, rather, the food obtained from the soil. All the life-forms are just the elemental bodies created by pancha mahabhuta, Five Great Elements- Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth (Soil)! By far, the two ingredients of LIFE are air (N+H+O) and water (Hydrogen and Oxygen) LIFE indeed, is Light, Intelligence, Force, and Energy! 

  Thus, the souls are particles of Light floating in the atmosphere of the Earth and may enter into and get out of any base material like soil and water and create a life form! Thus, the living beings, may it be, plants, birds, animals or humans or even the Divine Forces called Deva and Devata are nothing but Energy! Everything is Energy. However, the gross physical body created by the Energy is of limited entity! The gross physical body is supported mainly by the C+H+O (Carbo Hydrates and Protein) The role of Hydrogen, Carbon, and Oxygen is thus highlighted.

  The Corona Virus that gains entry into the human body is playing havoc with the life by destroying Oxygen, or consuming it to multiply! The most crucial part of the story of human life is thus the role played by Oxygen besides Water! It is the perverted intelligence of the humans that destroyed the ecological balance and caused this havoc. Destroying vegetation, neglect of water bodies and use of pesticides and chemicals and creating irreversible damage to environment has brough the humanity to the edge of total elimination from the earth!

  Now, the question of wandering souls is clear. It is the embodiment of the soul, the entry of prana into the inorganic substances and creating life forms is clear. Once the embodied soul becomes gross supported by the food and water obtained from the earth creates the qualities of the jiva. Withdrawing the soul from the body is the end of that physical body! However, that is not the finality of the jiva on earth, to some extent. However, the jiva can realize its true nature and ignore what happens to the body and be peaceful and happy with totality, equanimity, and power of 'Knowledge'. The physical body is of no consequence to the jiva once it realizes its true nature.

  Finally, the it is the pranic energy, the mind, the Intellect that shows the way how jivas, living beings work. The dead body is of no consequence here. It is the soul that enters and gets out of the material body that is important! So, in one perspective, Corona Virus or no Corona virus, the body is inconsequential to the jnyani, yogi, who is beyond material existence! The wandering souls in their pure state are a reality; so also a yogi devoid of all qualities, gunas!

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