Friday 19 February 2021

"ShivaH shaktya yukto yadi bhavati.."

 The first verse of 'Soundaryla Lahari' starts with the words that denotes  'Creation' as a result of the union of Shiva and Shakti. This is the secret of creation, in a way. But, it is not everything. It is only indicative of the cause of creation. Renown scholars like Kameshwara Suri, Jakkana amatya, have given expert comments that reveal many secrets The interpretation of the first stanza leads us to many questions as to who or what Shiva and Shakti are and how the universe is created. If the universe is created by a number of factors that emanate from Shakti, where is the need for Shiva and in what way Shiva is the cause? Shiva only manifests His Shakti, prowess, powers that be! Then where is another Shakti and its independent existence in creation. Shiva only exists and nothing besides Him as stated in the doctrine "Eko devaH"! Hence, it may be understood as Shiva is seated in yoga nidra and there is absolute silence and nothing stirs! The moment He opened His eyes, there was an 'awareness' in Him that He is alone and a desire to become many occurred in Him. This 'Desire' is the Shakti that propelled Him to action as 'sankalpa' and 'kriya' and thus ensues the creation. The entire process of creation is explained in 26 principles here.

  Thus, the first stanza explains the cause and its effect in the process of creation of the universe. There are the spiritual or adhyatmic version, adhibhoutika or physical/materialistic explanation to the explanation. The spiritual aspect is that the very understanding of this verse takes us to brahmn, the ultimate! The physical or materialistic aspect goes on unfolding how the universe is created brick by brick like the pancha mahabhuta, their tanmatras, the sense organs and the manas, buddhi, ahankara and chitta all emanating from the mahat! 

 The mot interesting aspect of the first verse of Soundarya Lahari is that the supreme Lord Shiva and His creative power as Shakti /Shive reside in a Grand Bejeweled Palace, 'Manipura', at the centre of which lies the Sri Chakra. This is a maze one has to wade through. All that exists here as Time, Space, the powers that guard the Space, and other details are given in explanatory notes by different scholars according to their understanding and levels of knowledge acquired in the subject. The explanation given in the following blogs are very interesting.

  Some scholars think Shiva and Shive as two separate entity. This may be true in the third manifest aspect. But the first one is Shiva as 'purusha' ('Ekam') single, independent, disinterested in outer world. The second unmanifest aspect is 'Shivayuvati' (ardhanarishwara). Here the lord is aware of His creative energy, prowess. Creation begins with the glance of Shiva with the mischievous look of Shive both dancing in joy (nrutya)/lalita natya)!

  It is stated that Shiva alone is not capable of moving an inch with out the help of Shive. This is symbolic of Shiva as static, unmoving, in the state of yogic pensive stance. It is only the dynamic aspect that initiates the process of creation This is true of we, the mortals, who do not show interest in marriage and remain single! It is only when 'desire' prompts one to get married, the entire paraphernalia of 'sansar' starts! The power, 'shakti' of 'desire' runs the world.

  The entire subject matter of 'Soundarya Lahari' is treated as a means of 'upasana' for attainment of Atma jnyana that liberates the embodied and embedded soul that has foolishly created a physical body that suffers dualities. The upasana is supposed to be internal as advocated by the 'samayachara' school. This is believed to be superior and more effective than the method adopted by the Koulas. The bahya puja (external worship) adopted by the Koula sect is said to be preliminary, best suited for the beginners. The choice is left to the devotees. nahin jnyanena sadrusham ! Worship of Shakti, independent of the Lord, the source of the power, does not yield the desired result. One should know the source of power is greater and diminishes with the delegation of this power to various other agencies, such as the devi-devata. 

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