Saturday 25 January 2020

The Matter-Spirit Continuum

   Now that the scientific discoveries have proved that there is no dichotomy in matters of 'Spirit' and 'Matter'. Spirit only becomes Matter and reverts to state of Spirit. Spirit leads to creation of Matter and the underlying factor is the intensity of waves. The fermi ions give rise to Bose ions and the mazorana bosons! The potential energy become kinetic due to internal friction, fusion and fission. All these are explained the coded languga eof the Vedic texts (Suktas). We have the spiritual texts including the Veda, Upanishads, and the Bhagavad-Gita that explain the process creation, sustenance, development, and dissolution in great detail. The following are the three major aspects that need careful study.
   First, there is a Creator and then the Creation. The Vedic Texts state that the Creator only manifests as vivid creation. Eko'ham bahusyam. He the Creator entered the creation. tad srushtva tadevanupravishat. So, the Spirit only becomes Matter. The Matter can revert to its true nature of Spirit. The Yoga helps in Matter reverting to Spirit!
  Now, Mahapurusha manifests as Purusha and Prakruti. Prakruti undergoes five-fold divisions, 'panchikarana', as Sat becomes Chit, chaitya, chetasa, chaitanya, later on chiti, chitta and the like. The Space becomes the pancha bhuta, pancha tanmatra, pancha jnyan and pancha karma indriyas. All that is Creation is sustained by the spirit like prana, prajnye, usiru and jivatman. The same principle is also there for the embodiment of the soul.
   On the material side, we have the space, filled by the myriads of stars, galaxies and the planets with their satellites and the Earth with its atmosphere- air (vayu) with gaseous elements such as oxygen, hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, ozone, argon, methane, etc. All these gaseous elements have their spirit components such as Energy, Light, Force, Intelligence! The chemical bonds create energy, too! Life is thus a combination of the physical elements, chemical composition and biological entity as a process!
   If the Sun as a Star provides Hydrogen and Helium as the basic ingredients of the Planets, the Earth provides Air with the gaseous elements like oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, and water with Hydrogen and Oxygen, and the different minerals like iron, silicon, magnesium, aluminum, etc in rocks, soils and the various physical and chemical compounds. The chemical compound become biological entity when life-force, intelligence, and other divine forces enter them! Thus the same hydrogen, carbon and oxygen compounds turn into biological entities! The hydrocarbons (HCO) and carbohydrates (CHO) are termed fire aspects or Vaishvanara agnideva!
  Now, the Knowledge ('vid'),vidya is complete. One cannot isolate the physical world from the spiritual components that sustains it. Manas or Mind, Intelligence, Ego, are the emanates from from the soul, Atman. These create the evolution of life in stages. Man is now at the beginning stage pof evolution of Mind and may end at the scale of Spiritual Attainment! This is deification, the man evolving into human and divine. 

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