Friday 21 December 2018

Before One leaves the Body

    The question of Death and after may bother some. There area number of scriptures that deal with this aspect of death. A detailed conversation between Nachiketas and the Deity of Death Yama in Kathopanishad gives some answer to the question of death. The Bhagavad-Gita also explains how a jiva leaves its body and the Atman leaves the terrestrial abode. It is certain that almost all jivas with unfulfilled desires will come back to run another cycle and, many jivas have no liberation, mukti or moksha. There are many accounts of the jiva suffering due to its karma.
   The three troubling forces (tapatraya) are: 1. Nature (prakruti); 2. Other jivas; and 3. the acts of commissions and omissions committed by oneself. Our births and deaths are the result of these three. prakruti ashthada is described in the Gita and we are embodied with these elements. The Gita also explains how vata, pittha, and kafa cause death. It is the three Gunas that control our life. One has to live a balanced life and yoga teaches how.
    As regards, the jiva approaching death, there are instancesof premonition and one can know well in advance.  One of my friends related how his uncle came from Mumbai to Dharwad and complained of some uncomfortable feeling. He wanted to go to  hospital where his friend was a doctor and, on the way explained all the details of his Bank accounts, family problems, and finally walked to the OT on a table by himself. Just when the doctor entered, he bade good bye saying, "Bye bye Doctor, you are late!"  In another case, a person taken to hospital said that "She would not return"! It seems the jiva will recollect everything and shed tears before the end comes.
   There are a number of "Near Death Experiences (NDE). So also, there are many accounts of premonitions, dreams where one sees rice balls and white cloth, Dark images, etc. Interpretation of Dreams is a science by itself in Psychology.
  However, what is important is that the Atman (soul) only takes a sthula shareera (gross body) and undergoes the troubles and turmoils, But these troubles are not of the Atman, but the embodied state of the jiva. It is the physical body that suffers and not the soul since the soul is only a battery that runs the affairs of the jiva. The Jiva is always at the mercy of the nature while the Atman is always free. The Atman projects or manifests as the physical body with mind, intellect and the ego. Thus, the jiva should be intelligent enough to know the trick played by the embodiment.  The jiva with its accessories such as the ten indriyas (senses and limbs) should strive to understand the true nature and get rid of the body as early as possible! Even if the jiva is enjoying its life, it is only a transitory state and its true state is one of neither joy nor sorrow. It is the svabhava of the indriya and not true! Ashtavakra to King Janaka, Dattreya to Avadhuta, Sage Vahsishtha to Ramachandra, and Varha deva to Sage Agastya explain the true nature of our existence. 
    As an embodied soul, the life of a jiva (living being) is illusory, coming within the grip of kaal (Time), desha (space) and karya-karana (causality). Bhagavan Shree Krishna Says, "kaalo'smi..." I have come to devour all that I have created!
   The Atman (Soul)is an ion, like a photon. It is lighter than the Hydrogen. It enters the cloud, aindrop, soil and food to enter the male as a sperm and get into the womb of a female to come out acquiring the form of the like-of the parents! So it is independent moving in and out. However, it acquires weight,and the Sp. Gravity will not allow it to rise out of the body and get back to its pure state. It suffers repeated births and deaths due to its 'ajnyan', avidya, ignorance. Once it comes to know its true nature the jiva takes to yoga and discards all that it has acquired and gets out of the body after death and gets back to its primordial, pure, unblemished state of 'Energy'. Prana is everywhere as life-force and can enter any organic body and enliven itself as a jiva. This is the principle. Any jiva is just a bundle of cells and chemical bonds. The H+C+O combine makes the life- hydrocarbons and the carbohydrates dictate the jivas here, of course with other elements in small proportions. An impregnated cell with amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, genes, hormones chromosomes, DNA and RNA, possessing Knowledge,Intelligence, Technology and Knowledge About Transformation (KITKAT) makes a jiva vibrate and make us believe the drama of life as real. Nothing is real here and everything is an image, an illusion, a passing phase of vibrant energy. Any Doubt? See 'Atmabodha' and 'Viveka chudamani' of Shankara. Study the scriptures and try to get liberated from repeated embodiment? 

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