Saturday 2 December 2017


Let us remember, God is seated in the soul, heart of all jivas. The Vranashrama dharma of the Rk Veda, Purusha Sukta, Mandala X is misinterpreted by the later pundits, and advantage is taken of this by politicians in India after Independence to create vote bank? The Lord, Virat Purusha is by Him Self the Brahmana at the face level shining knowledge, kshatriya protecting the Universe and takes avatara as Ram and Krishna and the as Buddha rests in peace! There is none besides Him, and everything else is vibration of Energy, Prana, Chaitanya. It is all Ananda if one knows this.
People forget that the entire varnashrama in India was like the Temple foundation and Gopuram of 7 tiers. Foundation was teh people producing food, milk and clothing. The temple was was a home for all with the seven prajnya levels governing the people of all classes. Brahmins were very few teaching (teachers and purohits), dispensing medicines (vaidyas) and the rest were all indivisible part cooperating and coordinating social and economic life in unity as on festive occasions and temple festivities like rathotsava and there was no class conflicts It is the Congress divided people brought in liquor shops and paid money for votes and created the anti-brahmin poisonous seeds! The Communists and Socialists along with Congress widened the gap and destroyed our cohesive society.

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