Tuesday 14 November 2017

Evolution of Life

    We are giving the spiritual, as well as, the scientific version of the Soul, Atman. Atman in Vedanta is not much different from the scientific version of atomic energy, or the 'ion' that gain energy from constant friction of the invisible particles like the sub-atomic particles like the bosons, the fermions and majorana fermions, quarks, neutrons, electrons, positrons, and the like. In Vedanta, the 'Atman' is the manifest form of 'paramatman', whereas, 'Matter' manifests from the vibration of condensed stellar dust particles (quanta) as the first emanate-invisible energy, manifesting as stars of different dimensions! But, it is not clear as to how this radiant 'energy' is assuming, getting into, or manifesting in different forms of inorganic and organic, metallic and non-metallic, non-living and living, gaseous, liquid, plasma, and solid or gross forms (from the subtler-most states)! So far, nobody has ever found how a life-form (living creature) has taken shape from an inorganic or non-living state as objects. The appearance of earthworms and snails soon after rains is still a wonder of wonders! So also, the formation of a kid (baby) in mother's womb soon after impregnation of a spermatozoa in an egg cell! Multiplication of cell can be understood, but not the formation of tissues and organs from these cell divisions! Now, molecular biology and quantum mechanics and particle physics along with DNA studies combined with big bang throwing open vast scope for study of origin of life. But what about the human being struggling with old age, sickness and death. We will find the secret.
   The scientific view is simple. Energy becomes matter and everything, that way, is energy only! Matter is vibration of energy at different frequencies, wavelengths and intensity. Energy sustains the jivas as the soul. Inorganic substances, too, have energy of different intensity (Battery power?). In fact, all the elements exist in the organic entities starting from a unicellular amoeba to multi-cellular organisms. The DNA in humans is said to be 60 per cent DNA of earthworms. The cell consists of not only the amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, ribosomes, DNA and the hormones, chromosomes and what not? Where does intelligence, life-force, the vibrant mental energy (mentation), thoughts, ideas, images, and imagination, and the creative energy, ability to transform one into many come? No answer, so far. Science vouchsafes the creation of organic from the inorganic, but does not say, how! The answer must be found in the Veda, Upanishads, Brahma sutras and the Bhagavad-Gita (not the epics).
  Vedanta is very clear in this respect. All jivas (living beings) are formed out of 'energy' (stellar) derived from radiation stellar particles or 'star dust'! Even gold, mercury, platinum, silver, and heavy minerals have emerged from the neutron stars that crashed in to each other, collapsed under their own mass. Many elements such as Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen Ozone, Methane, Argon, are all found in the earth's atmosphere. How the elements undergo chemical changes (elements become compounds) and create organic entities (cells) still remain a mystery. But, the principle is clearly stated to be 24 or 25 in Sankhya yoga. First comes something unknown, unseen, but experienced by all in a transcendental meditative state as the 'brahmn' (not the Creator chaturmukha brahma of purana). The first manifest form is the purusha and the second- prakruti as spirit or shakti (chit /consciousness). Then comes manas (mind) and ego. The five main elements- akasha (space), vayu (air), agni (fire), jal (water) and pruthvi (rocks, soils, minerals) emerge -each from the previous one (inheriting its or their qualities). Then come the organs to experience the subtler qualities (gunas of tanmatra)- such as sight, sound, heat and cold, smell and taste that create the major five elements (pancha bhuta). These elements are found in the human body, too. We all have water (70 percent or more), fire (heat), air (breathing) and soil in the form of food, Thus the humans  the earth and space (including solar radiation, movement of air, waters of the oceans, etc called the world, as well as, the space where the sun moon and stars are seen. Thus all the three constituents of the universe at three levels- (a) brahmanda (Galaxy), (b) pindanda (Body), and (c) the andanda (cells), are inter-related. We all experience these every moment of life but not consciously aware of these. We can understand these only when a realized person explains these secrets to us. Bhagavad-Gita is a good guide; but no expert has ever completely understood this well, What prevents us from knowing these secrets is the the absence of a Guru (a realized embodied soul)! In fact, our own diffidence or callous attitude is also responsible. 
  When it comes to evolution of life according to Darwin and others, there is a succession of forms from aquatic to amphibia, arboreal, reptilian and mammals and monkey to man. This has taken the last 4 or 4.5 mins. of the 24 Hr cycle of creation.Cooling of the earth, formation of Oceans and land and then creation of ideal conditions for life took away all the 23 Hrs and 54 minutes of the 24 Hrs. But, in Vedanta, "The Lord willed" Lo, there was life everywhere! The Lord Himself entered all that we find here as inorganic and organic, living and non-living. He projected Himself and the world comes out in vibrant forms of energy in various colors! He withdraws everything is blank, like the film disappearing on an empty screen when current goes off! See Bhagavad-Gita. 

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