Friday 13 October 2017

Journey Goes On

   The humans, each one of us, appear and disappear in a matter of a hundred years or so, and never be able to know and understand what is going on here! Whether we re here or not, the world goes on! We start our journey from some where and end somewhere. We will never be able to know the secret of life, nor do we know how to live. We do not know many secrets, particularly those concerning our mind and its attitude, moods and behavior. We do not know how we get our dreams, thoughts, ideas, images, and imagination and why our mind flies from pillar to post and has no limit of speed or distance! The mind can create anything it wants, cook facts or fiction. Besides, we also do not know many things such as, who we are, where we come from, or where we go from here? These questions remain unanswered. Let's try to know the answers from scientists and the Vedantins, and what they say. As the thinking brain in humans is the same, there cannot be any difference; however, the difference, if at all we discern or discover, is one of just an approach to the problem. The scientists want to experiment, observe, and arrive at conclusion on the basis of their observations. The Vedantins on the other hand get intuition obtained from the Rishis, Yogins who have contemplated on issue and arrived at some conclusion as they have actually visioned in their transcendental meditative state (samadhi). While the scientists observations are not conclusive, the Vedantin's statements are considered beyond doubt!
   The living beings are bundle of complex system cells, chemical bonds and energy plays a very important role in growth, sustenance and dissolution of these. The DNA studies hold the key. The DNA of all living beings can be traced to the A T G C links in the chain, and the Ribosome Nucleic acids (RNA) that transform genetic codes and create cells that can transform into functional parts as organs and system of body. Beyond these, there is no answer from the scientists as to who binds these and what energy is and where it comes from, etc. Just a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen  or sodium and chlorine will not make the water and salts, respectively. There exists an unseen hand in the transformation, binding force, that create the multifarious objects. Fundamentally, very few forces, such as, Electromagnetism, Gravitation, Nuclear energy (nucleus generating electrons and positrons), and some unidentified power binding atoms and molecules or destroying them are behind the mysterious universe.
   The Vedantins view is altogether different. It is more simple. They present an orderly manifestation of Space, air, fire, water and soil, rocks and minerals. These are the fundamental building blocks. They possess certain inherent characteristics, qualities, gunas, that create all the phenomenal objective world. There needs be no doubt. The chief source of all these, however, is the same for bot the scientists and the Vedantins. It is a Star, the Sun.
   Once the jiva takes a form and start functioning, there is no end to its transformations. Every jiva, from an egg, a caterpillar to a butterfly, or an embryo to child, adolescent, youth, mature and old stage, there is a continuous transformation. The Scientists begin with matter and end with matter. The Vedantins begin with spirit and end with it! A spiritual entity has no beginning or end, It is eternal, unborn and immortal, while the material objects have all a beginning and end! They begin with invisible waves and vibrations and become gross substances.
    The human life on earth is an eternal journey. It enters the earth's atmosphere as an ion of electrical charge, becomes the life-force, prana-shakti and gets into the soil and water to take a biological form, say a plant or an animal. In the beginning it is just one of spiritual nature. Once it takes an embodied state it loses its independence and gets into the grip of time, space and causality. It suffers repeated changes in forms and function and its fate is almost sealed for an earthly existence. However, there is a ray of hope for those who seek liberation. The Lord comes as Yogacharya, teaches brahma vidya and yoga shastra  to redeem the willing souls and turn back to their purified state- material to spiritual.
   Now, as regards the journey, each and every jiva has started its journey from some station and travels up to a certain destination. However, some jivas have almost completed their journey and about to reach their destination. It is for such aged and mature people that we are revealing the spiritual secrets. For all others, this may not be even necessary since they have either just started  from some where in between and may end somewhere before the last station.
   The jiva has a tendency to enjoy the journey whatever the situation and there are some that are eager, tense and restless and thereby do not enjoy the journey. Some think journey itself the main goal while others may think reaching the destination is more important. It all depends. This enjoying or suffering the journey is attributed to one's karma.   

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