Tuesday 18 July 2017

"yuj" , meaning the union of Body, Soul and Mind.

  All the human misery are traced to one single factor- the absence of knowledge of the true nature of the Self. This is called 'avidya' meaning, knowledge covered by attachment (moha) and ego (mada) and anger (krodha). This avidya or mithya-jnyan, knowledge influenced by qualities makes this world illusory, mithya, in this sense of the word.
 Normally, one is prone to think that the humans are just a body, mind and soul. The nervous system plays a very significant role in the life of a person. The nerves and neurons serve the purposes of transport and communication. The body is maintained by the efficient working of the nervous system and the body suffers if the system fails. One central nerve, the kurma nadi, divides into hundreds and hundred of branches and together 72 000 of them serve the body. The body is paralyzed if the nervous system fails. The ancient scriptures have given instructions regarding the techniques of maintaining an efficient system by following yoga, The very term 'yoga' means a well-coordinated working system of body, mind, nervous system, and tuning it to the soul, Atman. This purpose is achieved by taking recourse to yogasana and pranayama; however, these are merely steps to the ultimate goal of attaining to the absolute state of nirvikalpa samadhi. In this state of absolute unity of the entire system of body, mind and soul and the nervous system the jiva can maintain perfect health. The purpose of good health or svasthya is to establish oneself in one's self. The self (sva) established (stha) person is a yogi. The yogi established in his Self (Atman) is consciously aware of his Self. This is also the state of 'Shiva'. 'Shiva' is consciously aware of his pure and undisturbed state! One who is consciously aware of the spontaneous nature of breathing is also said to be in a deep state of meditation!   
   The soul is the core of the substance, the body. But once it enters the material substance, body as an earthen pot, it becomes a silent witness and will not participate in the affairs of the function of the body. It is this soul power (Atma-shakti) that creates and runs the body, and, as such, it should be made to actively get associated with the body and mind through the nerves and neurons though asana and pranayama.  But, this asana and pranayama are merely tools to work out, a means and not the end or goal of yoga. the goal of yoga is not only to maintain a healthy body and a very calm and pleasant disposition of mind, but also to tune it to the Soul (Atma). This fine tuning of body, mind and soul is possible by dhyana (meditation). Most of the teachers teach only asana and pranayama as an exercise, a means to good health and will not bother about the other steps such as svadhyaya, satsang, nidhidhyasana, japa, yajnya, dana and tapa  leading to samadhi. Samadhi is of two levels- savikalpa and nirvikalpa. The ultimate purpose of human life is to get merged in absolute silence, a state of total peace, mahattanta shanta. This state is said to be the ultimate, the absolute and the highest state of 'existence', as well as, 'non-existence', a state of "is and is not", or "I am that", So'ham asmi..  .

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