Thursday 13 October 2016

Where does the Self (Atman) come from?

The abode of the Self, the Atman, is pure Consciousness (shuddha vidya). And, as such, it is pure consciousness by itself. It is everywhere. It is the radiant energy called 'Vishnu' in the scriptures, 'vish' meaning, 'to pervade'. What pervades the universe is this pure Consciousness, called 'chit' in the scriptures. This 'chit' is nothing but 'fire' (agni). It is 'Energy'. Energy is self-effulgent, unborn, eternal, all pervasive. It is the surya (Sun0 , Soma (Moon), Lightning and the Fire in coal, oil, natural gas, timber and rocks. Everything is fire only. The body is discarded when it becomes cold and inert. Thus, 'chit is the energy, , prana (life force). This 'chit' can assume many forms. It is chetasa, chaitya, manas, buddhi, ego (ahankar), chittabhramana or mano-vikalpa (thought-force or vibration). Ultimately, everything is vibration of this 'chit-shakti at different amplitudes, wavelengths, intensity and thereby create forms. The tanmatra or the subtle aspect of fire is rupa (form). hat we see as a certain form is the bibration creating multitude of forms in different modes of chitta. Thus, everything is reduced to this chit.
   The particles or sparks of fire can create fire, and as such, it is fire only in a minute form. So also the Jiva, life form is a particle of fire, light, called jivajyoti. The jiva lives and works as long as this life-force, prana, is in it. This light particle (photon) cane a prana-shakti (life-force) into anything and thereby create a prani. Hence, all jivas are vibrations of chit-shakti, however minute like an ant  or a fly, or big like  whale or an elephant. The Mind is also the same energy that vibrates as matter at low intensity.Mind (manas) creates man, manav. hence the jivas are just a bundle of energy with vibrant mind and moods, creating different attitudes and behaviors. There is nothing else! If the chaitanya is reduced the person becomes weak and if the life-force stops vibration the jiva becomes inert. What value can we attach to this transient name and forms of jivas?   

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