Tuesday 13 October 2015

Sage Ashtavakra's sayings

    There is no place for any intellectual jugglery here. Any word spoken has no meaning or value or use here. In fact, there is no word here either to speak or write since there is nothing to convey anything! There is nobody here or anything to speak! Then what is it? It is not something to be conveyed to someone at all! It is just 'tyat' or 'tat' (THAT) of the Vedic doctrine tat tvam asi (Thou art That!). This concept of 'tat' (brahmn) cannot be explained. In its earliest state, the cosmic egg (hiranayagarbha), the 'golden egg' (that holds seed of creation) is presumably, a Star, the Sun.The Sun appears in the horizon in a golden hue. However, this golden egg, hiranyagarbha, too, should have some primordial state of some form 'ghruni' (beyond the gaseous) or the other (wave and vibration), which is not forthcoming. The Veda gives a rough idea about it. It calls the primordial state Aditya from whom the Sun (surya) manifests as the golden egg and the rays (electromagnetic radiation) emanate from it with all hues and colors, qualities, power, Force, electricity, etc. Thus, what is seen is the gross form and the subtler and the much subtler aspects of this are not visible. Just like electricity, magnetism or heat, the effect of the subtler forces can be experienced, but they remain obscure as in water before converted into hydro-electricity!
   The digitization of the cosmic entity has been presented by scientists as the one that ranges between -0.1 and +0.1 rising to the power of -16 on the minus side and +21 on the + side. Thus we have the electrons, protons that swing left and right from the neutron, bosons, fermions, hodons (where space begins), chronons (where time begins), thoughtrons (minute particles of energy where thought begins), Lifetrons (where the pranic energy starts vibrating), and the core of the entity, the Atman may be digitized at the point of the meeting of the highest and the least as stated in the statement: anoraniyan mahato mahiyan | meaning, the smallest of the small and the largest of the large. Bot these mahato mahiyan, that is the 'paramatman' and least in dimension of the entity, the Atman are the same!   
(to be contd.)

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