Sunday 6 September 2015


Contemplate on the following
Meditate on any one of these (whichever you like most), you will be that
yad bhavam tat bhavati |

              Space manifests first, then comes time. When there is time,
              events come in succession. Our mind thinks in terms of space,
              time, and events.
             Prana acts upon the ether,
             Then the five elements come into being,
             The elements combine and various objects are formed.
             Even if you imagine that nothing exists, there will be space.
            You will have to transcend space to realize the ‘Self’. 
            Transcending time and space is Realising the Self.
            Try to experience this!

          Time and space are eternal.
          The Supreme spirit covering all time and space is
          Shree Hari Narayana.
          All matter- fire, water, air, earth and mind and their respective
          Qualities emanate from the Supreme Spirit.
          Soul, the Jiva is the infinitesimal part and parcel of Shree Hari,
          The Supreme Spirit pervading the Universe.
          Realisation of the fact that the whole world including the Creator
          Is a play of matter and spirit, and is a cosmic joke is the key to
          Freedom and escape from Samsara or cycle of life and death.
          Any devotee who wants to see God in the name and Form he wants to
          See, can see and experience Him in that name and form.
          In reality, the devotee and his mind itself is also a part and parcel of
          The Supreme Spirit encompassing the whole Universe.
         Realisation of this Truth is “Aham Brahmasmi”. Or “Tat Tvam Asi”.
         God has no particular name or form and is not attached to any
          Since He pervades everything.
      "Choiceless Total Awareness is True Living”.
      Observe this phenomenon within yourself and practise it.

        “The Atman is hidden in the hearts of all.      
          It is seen only by the Seers through their pure subtle intuition”
                                                                   [Katha Upanishad 1.3.12]
         Each one of us is a part of the infinite Spirit.
         As our mind and heart becomes pure, we come to get hold of
         Our individual inner- self.  As we move further and further,
         We find that we are all really parts of a greater Whole
         And this is the greatest truth we need.
         We, as souls, are inseparable parts of the Oversoul,
         The Supreme Spirit.
         Let us try to awaken in us the consciousness that we are the Spirit.
         Let us try to find that we are all parts of the one Oversoul.
            “A playwright knows the plot and the sequences well before
            drafting his play. It is only the spectator who has to wait for
            sequences to be unraveled on the stage.          
            So also, a Yogi can perceive by his contemplation, meditation,
            And, yogic powers foresee the things to come.
           The Lord knows the past, present and the future. He has
           simultaneous knowledge of all events at all times at all places.
            Self- realization means the union of the individual spirit with
            The supreme Spirit.
            Spiritual initiation brings the individual Self into harmony with
            the supreme Self.  
            Mind purified of thought is ‘Self”.
           ‘Self’ filled with thoughts and desires, is the mind. [Gita VI-35]
           Mind is the enemy of one who cannot control the mind.
           Mind is the friend who has won the mind.
                                                              Brihadaaranyaka Upa.[1-5-9]
            Mind is made up of food. [Chaandogya Upanishad]
            Pure food helps to keep purity of mind.
            Pure mind is energy. Pure mind shines as consciousness.
            Indians beware, stale and contaminated non-vegetarian food
            Lead to impure mind leading to impure thoughts and inhuman
            All dead animals are contaminated with germs and microbes.
            And, human digestive system is not meant for hard food from
            non-vegetarian sources. One should avoid non-vegetarian food.

            He who covets the desirable things, while brooding on their virtues,
            is born amidst these very surroundings along with the desires.  
            But for one who has got his wishes fulfilled and is self-poised, all
            Longings vanish even here. [Mundaka Upanishad III- ii- 2]

            Mind is the world and world is our Mind.
            If we want to win the world, we have to win our Mind.
            For a person who has overcome the mind, he rests peacefully within
            Himself; he has no preference for time and place.
            He has no choice since the time and space have become one.
            He is one with Pure Consciousness.
             When Mind is merged with consciousness, there is no ‘becoming’ or
            ‘attaining’. There is nothing to be achieved. All this is in the Mind
             and that Mind is no more. This consciousness is the background and
             support of mind and all thoughts that exist.
             Mind is to be treated very kindly, tenderly and should be tutored.
             It is the knowledge that frees the mind and dissolves the Mind.
            “The ‘fear’ is the resistance to movement.
             Fear is the feeling, for loss of attachment, for loss of what we have,
             and loss of whom we have.
             We are afraid to lose something and someone since we ourselves do
             not matter.
             Since we ourselves do not have self-esteem, we do not value 
             Our selves and want someone whom we value higher and by 
             whom our value increases.
             We by ourselves are worthless.
             We have to be identified with wealth, power, position, or by
             recognition of some higher achievement for us to have value and 
             faith in ourselves or by others.
             This self-abnegation, this ignorance that something, or somebody
             is higher, and something makes us higher, and the fear of losing that,
             that makes us feel higher and better, is the achievement, an
             illusion of our Mind.
             Otherwise, we have no where to go, and there is nothing to attain,
             to attain and to become.Then there is no fear, since there is no
             ‘becoming’ and ‘attaining’.

            Conquer fear by knowing fear
            There is only one being which is fearless.
            This fearless and deathless entity is our ‘Self’, whose nature is
            consciousness and bliss. Its nature is also intelligence”.

            “Antar prajnyam bahir prajnyam, prajnyam prajnyam eva cha”
            “The inner consciousness and the outer consciousness is one and
              the same consciousness”.
              If the individual consciousness is different from outer consciousness,
               then each individual would have seen different sizes of objects,
               depending upon the size of the image etched in their memory”.
               “Since all persons and beings see the same objects, hear the same
                sound, taste the same taste, and experience the same touch of an
                object, the seer, the hearer, the taster and smeller,and experiencer
                 is one and the same in all the bodies. But, the interpretation of the
                 quality of objects being different from person to person depending
                 upon one’s likes and dislikes, the play of the mind”.

                “It is the Universal Consciousness that is reflected in the 
                 Creative intelligence or consciousness of innumerable beings”.
                 Just as the reflection changes according to the quality of the
                 Reflecting surface, even though the object is the same, each
                 Individual soul seated in all the different beings being one and
                 the same, sees the same life-size objects”.

                “Going beyond Mind is going beyond space and time;
                 Going beyond space and timeis going beyond Light”.

                “Brahmam Satyam, Jagat Mithyam”. Shri Shankara.
                “Brahma is Real and the world is unreal”.
                “Everything exists within Him; we are in this world and
                 the entire world is within us, in the microcosm”.

                 “Mind is made up of time and space, the environment in which
                  The person lives. Mind is a product of his past experiences,
                  living conditions, desires and urges and future ambitions.
                  A Hindu has a Hindu mind steeped in rituals, beliefs and
                  A Muslim has a Muslim mind indoctrinated, fanatic,
                  and blindly following system irrespective of time and place.           
                  A Christian Mind has Christian Mind trying to measure the
                  immeasurable and judge the infinite with the finite.
                  Mind does not change the path and goes on in a trodden path
                  by its past memories and experiences”.                                                                   
                  “ Mind is the servant of the ego. The ego is the feeling of
                   supremacy identified with the limited adjuncts of the body.
                   ‘Ego’ is truly the master of the Mind. The Mind has found its
                   true master in the ego and serves the ego day in day out.
                   Ego is based on ignorance and exists only in isolation.
                   This ego is not accepted by any one, since it promotes only
                   isolation and exclusiveness”.  

                  “Sangaat samjaayate kaamah, kaamaat khrodhobhijaayate,
                   Khrodaatbhavati sammoha, sammohat smrityvibhramah;
                   Smritibhramshat buddhinaasha, buddhinaashat pranashyati!
                                                               [Bhagavad Gita, Ch.II –62-63]   
                   “By dwelling in objects therewith, man develops attachment,
                   From attachment is born desire, from thwarted desires comes
                   Anger; from anger arises delusion, there from confusion of 
                   memory, loss of reason; when reason is gone, the man is lost”

                   “Veeta raagabhayakrodha sthithahdhir muniruchyate”
                   “That sage who is free from attachment, fear and anger,
                     Is a ‘Muni’, of stable mind, or poised understanding ”.
                    Man of self-control and real peace is described as
                    “One whose thoughts shine like the cool moon-beams,
                    whose mind remains unruffled when confronted with fighting
                    in death, even as at the prospect of festivity- he indeed is
                    called a self-controlled man of peace”.                  
                                        [Yoga Vasishta Mumukshu Khanda 14. 75]
                   “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”.

                                                                        [Bible, St,Mathews 5:8]

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