Tuesday 29 December 2020

Alpha and Beta of Creation.

  Before we write or read, it is essential to know the origin of the alphabets. These are divided into vowels and consonants. The English vowels are almost the same as that of Samskruta or Kannada bhasha. these are a, e, i, o, and u (English) or  a, A, yi, eYe, u, oo, LRu, ye, ou, and am. (Kannada/Samsk.). The beauty of these vowels is that they originate in Akasha and come with full potency to create the Universe starting from the stars and galaxies to planets and the life-forms! The ancient scriptures emphatically states the a is brahmn and all other things are the manifest forms of 'brahmn'- sarvam khaluvidam brahmn. Brahmn is absolute silence and sound emanates in different forms from Him. The first sound that emanated in the universe is 'OMmmm' It is the beginning and the end of all that exists. A U M (Om) begins with A and ends with 'am' One has to open the mouth to utter the syllable A and close the lips to utter 'amm'! The origin of the sound is traced to paramatma shree hari narayana. It is shree that manifests from brahmn and moves out as vishnu (the all-pervading consciousness) creating time, space, and all the paraphernalia of the manifest objective phenomenal world. Thus, the most important thing is to the origin of the sound of these alphabets, For example, the syllables- na ra ya sha Sha, sa ha, are all supported by 'brahmn'- 'a'. This alphabet 'a' only manifests as every other alphabet and supports what is manifest from it!

  Now, let's see how the sound emanating from space (akasha) create the alphabets and the powers inherent in them. First comes a as 'brahmn' and from a come i. Together a and i create ye. a and u become 'au'  or  'ou'. the syllable 'm' (creative power, Lakshmi of parabrahma param atma narayana 'a') added to these create wonders! am, Im, yem Om, hum, hrIm, hsau, and such other powerful bijakshara mantra, full of potency to create the universe. the bijakshara- 'hrIM' is the trinity- hari, hara, virinchi. These are the sounds that emanate in Akasha and create the deities of creation, sustenance, and dissolution and merger as our Hindu Gods! The first manifest form of 'brahmn', the absolute silence is 'akasha'.  akasha is brahmn, kham brahma | The Akasha is silence incarnate! The manifest 'tanmatra' of Akasha is shabdha (Sound)! Thus, sound manifests from silence, just as Akasha manifests from brahmn.! 

   Hence, every sound, syllable, word or phrase we use comes out of  'silence'. Whatever exists in teh bahya aksha (outer space) also exists within our body. The same five elements (panchabhuta) go to make the body of all living beings. Thus all living beings, may it be plants, birds, insects or animals make sounds and these come from the throat and breath! We make sounds in sleep due to breathing. The sound of breath 'sa' and 'ha' keep us alive. If the out going breath 'ha' does not return we are dead, hara hara! If it comes back sounding 'sa' , we come back to life. Thus we are alive due breathing as recognized by the sounds 'sa' and 'ha' The significant sounds and alphabets created by them are given in the next blog.

   Since the sounds (shabdha), the Veda, emanate from the silence (mouna) Bhagavan Shree Krishna warns Arjuna "not to be carried away by the mesmerizing words of the Veda and turn to Me, in silence surrender, to enjoy the supreme bliss"! traigunya vishayaa veda nistraigunyorbhavaarjuna || Also, He asserts: tasmad yogirbhavaarjuna || There is, thus, the sage wisdom: Meditate on Silence!   

We eulogize Lord Vishnu in a thousand names and fail to realize the last few words that state: sahasra nama tulya 'ra' 'ma' naama varanane! The two syllables are the ' r' Sun (Ravi), and 'm' Earth-  both supported by brahmn  'a'?  Meditate on the concept of 'kham brahmaa'.

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