Thursday 10 August 2017

"Akshara brahma" and "akshara" (The Alphabets)

    There is a statement in the scriptures that "She, the Divine Mother breathes unto others without Herself breathing!" It is true of Mother Parvati who made a doll of clay and breathedd life unto Him and made Him the Lord of the Elements, Gana adhipati! Thus, we all breather as She, the Divine Mother breathes unto us life-force! With this breath comes the sound 'sa', 'ha' and 'sa', and this 'sa' being the in-breath and 'ha' the out-breath! If the out-breath 'ha' doesn't come back refreshed as in-breath again as 'sa' that is the end of life! These syllables sa and ha are the Life-forces! God lives in the GAP between these two!
   There are two meanings of the term 'akshara', each one very significant! One is alphabet and the other is that which 'does not diminish' ('kshara' means 'diminish')! That which does not diminish is also called 'achyuta' and it is the eternal, immortal, unceasing, unborn and exists in its pure state without undergoing any change! And, that is 'brahmn' As regards, the alphabets that start from the vowels- a to am and ah, each and every syllable is potent enough to create the spiritual and material, rather, noumenal (invisible subtler forces!) and phenomenal world of objects in all their subtler and gross aspects. We are concerned with both these aspects of 'akshara' here since they constitute the support, foundation, basis of this universe. .
  The term "akshara' (samsk.) or the Alphabets (Eng.) has a greater significance than what is usually understood by the common man. the samskruta varnamala  begins with 'a' and ends with 'ksha' and includes 15 vowels and 31 consonants. While the vowels are potential enough to create the subtler forces like light, energy, magnetism, colors, time and space, etc., the consonants are potential enough to create bhutadi like akasha, vayu, agni, jal, and pruthvi as also their tanmatras like the sound, sight, touch, form, taste and  other qualities of objects, as also, the sense organs to experience them! Thus, the elements- space, air, fire, water, earth, life including the senses, mind, intellect and ego to experience the creation are all the products of the waves, vibrations of energy, light, sound, alphabets and the words formed out of the syllables! Hence, the entire universe is created by the sound of the syllables. For example the syllables a u m are the deity of creative energy and force (brahma), sustaining forces (vishnu), and the dissolution power (maheshvara), respectively, expressed in an insignia 'Om'; this has not yet taken the written form of alphabet -a u m! These syllables originate as sounds emanating from our own body such as navel (a), heart (u), and throat (m). These constitute the primordial sounds of creation, maintenance and dissolution. These are also said to be the seats of  the respective deities Lakshmi, saraswati, and durga. Thus, the seed syllables and the words formed out of them  constitute the atman and the form of the concerned deities. These sounds are known as the seed-letter mantra! Om, aim, hreem, shreem kleem, hsou || Each one of is extremely powerful as sound that contains powers of creation, sustaining power, and power of dissolution and their deities, respectively. Further, it is stated that whoever utters these syllable as mantra with full knowledge (of their nature) will sail through life smooth and attain liberation.
    The mantra is thus a syllable or a few syllables that are potential and constitute the substratum of all that exist. These are thus attributed to the respective deities (Devi) and Lakshmi is believed to be the Divine Mother, 'Shreem'. Here, 's' stands for the deity Lakshmi and the remaining three- 'h' 'r' and 'eem' stand for maheshvara, vishnu and brahma also called virinchi. Thus, 'Shreem' is a mahamantra that contains all the powers of knowledge (jnyan), resources (aishvarya), strength (bala), potency (virya) and glory (tejas) required for creation, sustenance and dissolution- all-in-one!
  Hence, the syllables, words and sentences go to form the sacred mantra full of potency to create, sustain and dissolve the universe! The syllables are the seeds of creation.
     Akashara is the very source of Creation! It all begins as a bubble, a condensed particle in vast 'Ocean of Silence' (shanta-sagara), the repository of all 'jnyan' (Knowledge), also called the 'sudha sindho'. All Galaxies and Stars have their source here! The Sun, the Planets and their Satellites, including the 'life-forms' have their source here. But, nobody knows what is this inexplicable unique 'akshara' that manifests everything? It is called 'akshara brahmn' since the 'akshara' is the supreme Creator brahmn! The Bhagavad-Gita has elaborately described akshara brahma. The supreme Lord, Bhagavan Shree Krishna is the eternal, immutable, unborn and undying, un-diminishing ekakshara brahma (a- kshara).
 There are two concepts of the same term-1. brahmn (the supreme unmanifest or akshara, attributeless or nirguna brahmn) and, 2. brahman , the manifest, qualified brahmn who manifests as the universe. There is yet another brahma, cited in the epics (purana). This brahma is the  'chaturmukha brahma' (four-faced one) whose powers (Shakti) are said to be many of which the important ones are: kaal (yama/Time), vidhi (Fate), vaani (vak), and saraswati (jnyan/knowledge)! Here, it is important to note that creation as such is yet to begin! The very Creator is yet to be created! But then, whois the Creator of all creations? Nobody knows the ultimate source of all creation! It is traced to almost nothing from which things begin; it is nowhere from which 'now' (Time) and here (place/space) begin! Thus, from almost nothing, called manifest brahman (qualified brahmn) or brahman with attributes are born everything like time, space, light, sound, consciousness, knowledge, energy and forces that include atomic energy, gravitational force, strong and weak electrical charges, mind, thoughts, ideas, images etc originate. Here is the beginning of the material world in its subtler-most forms of waves and vibrations. what all we see are only the gross manifest forms. Humans are not, ordinarily, equipped with senses, buddhi or intellect, and mind to perceive these subtler forces. However, some yogins have developed their keen sense of  perception and gain intuitive knowledge. The experience of such yogins have come down to us as the source of our knowledge regarding what all we know about the early stages of Creation!
    Akshara Brahman is one such concept narrated in the scriptures. There are almost two hundred samhita that explain these details. One such important samhita is 'Lakshmi Tantra' which gives how the alphabets of devanagari script have evolved and the power of creation vested in these alphabets. These are the alpha and beta of creation.
(to be contd.) 

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