Monday 4 April 2016

Yoga for Realization of the Self

Ordinarily, yoga is considered a way of physical and breathing exercise (pranayama) for ordinary people. There are more than eighty types of physical postures (asanas) that may help channelizing energy in the body. But none of them is useful for Atmasakshatkar, i.e., Realization of the Self, like dhyana, dharana, and samadhi. Only those who are conscious of their physical well-being use the techniques of asanas and pranayama only to improve their physical condition, ward off some pains, not knowing that there is something more significant.
  Yoga is the means of emancipation of the embodied soul that suffers repeated births and deaths due to its attachment (moha) to the body (abhinivesha) and desires. This is mokshagati, ‘mukti’- quietening the blemished or disturbed mind (chanchala chitta), restoring its peaceful state,
   Liberation of the embodied soul’ is possible only through attainment of Atmajnyan, knowledge of the Self, or gained from intense meditation. It is an inward journey towards the core of the substance of the Jiva, atman, the Soul. It is purely a divine attribute that can only be personally experienced in the absence of a subject-object duality state, asamprajnya samadhi. It transcends Mind and creation of mental images. It takes the sadhaka to an ecstatic state where everything is still; it is a state of absolute silence, calm, peace and rest. That is the natural state. Everybody experiences this exalted state almost everyday, but is unaware of it. To be consciously aware of this state is just impossible. There will be no observer (perceiver) and the observed (perceived), enjoyer (bhoktru) and the enjoyed (bhogya) at this state. Everything becomes one. It is sheer bliss.
    Table showing the stages in Evolution is given in Appendix I and a Chart depicting the different realms of existence (vyahrutis) and the levels of Consciousness (prajnyasthiti) is given in Appendix II
   Here one can see how a seeker can attain the highest level of “UNITY-CONSCIOUSNESS” (Samyak-prajnya) ina matter of several lives or by sincere spiritual practice with a matter of 50 years (See Appendix.I). This also helps us to identify where one stands in the scale of evolution vis-a-vis those who may have already attained. Some great souls are born with a carry-over of punya-phala or spiritual power of their previous births. Ri Shankaracharya, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana Mahsrishi, Mahaveera and the Buddha are good examples. Unless there is a carry-over of the spiritual power, it is not possible to attain unity consciousness at one go. Shree Krishna has clearly stated how liberation is attained by carry-over of fruits of spiritual practices of every birth and the sadhana of a jiva never goes waste.

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