Sunday 21 February 2016

Religion, Philosophy and Spirituality

There is a thin line of difference and demarcation among these faiths and belief systems. At the outset, philosophy will not in any help attainment of emancipation, liberation of the embodied soul since it remains an intellectual discussion, argument and ends up in confusion. It is, rather, called philo sophia a love for words. Many Universities are closing the philosophy departments for want of students these days!  There are no takers for philosophical discourses since these take us nowhere.
  As regards, religion and religious faiths, people of different geographical regions have developed their independent belief systems and there is nothing wrong in following want one wants. There are many religions which firmly believe in liberation, mukti. No religions advocates hatred, ill-will and strife and it is not a religion if one cultivates hatred and crime against humanity in the name of religion! There are great saints in all religions and the Sufi saints are the most intelligent persons spreading peace and good-will.
   spirituality is an inward journey and, as such, individual exercise in yogic trance. This is not for material benefits and thereby does not attract or interest common people. Most of the spiritual seekers live in isolation and do not mix with the common people. 'Spirituality is not for the crowd', they say. Spiritual seekers take to renunciation, japa, tapa, dhyana, dharana and samadhi.  Adhyatma Sadhana or spiritual practice is a long-drawn process and ends with the last breath only. There is nothing like return to the worldly sensual life after one takes to spiritual life simply because the former does not interest any more. Those who indulge in worldly life shall not come to spiritual practice until they get fed up with it. There is turning point in every person's life that drags him/her away from indulgences in worldly pursuits. It is the fruits of past life (purva punya), Lord's grace, or a divine intervention, at that. When a person loses everything and stands naked in the street he /she turns to God.  This is the secret. 
  Bhakti cult is endowed with emotional attachment to the divine while spirituality comes with jnyan, viveka and vairagya. Knowledge by itself will not help. Spiritual texts are like recipe books but will not give food to a hungry person. Knowledge should be culled into wisdom and wisdom should bring renunciation; then only a person takes to spiritual pursuits. Spiritual life is the last journey of the soul! It comes almost after the jiva is fully mature, transcend all the stages of life over several lives. One has to cleanse the blemishes like attachment, desires, dreams, aspirations, anger, ego, jealous, selfishness, etc that are stains smeared to the soul that is pure and crystal clear. Unless these are removed the jiva cannot get liberated from repeated births and deaths. 

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