The highest seat, 'param padam' is 'brahmn'. This is also the beginning of the universe! The 'universe' (brahmanda) begins and ends with brahmn. However, it is very difficult to define the concept of universe since it is an everlasting expanding one without a trace of its beginning or end in sight! It is also called 'eternity'. the word 'sanatana' is used to explain this concept. But, it is very clear that everything that one thinks of, or perceives comes within this concept of eternal 'sanatana dharma'. Geometrically speaking, it is the point at the center (focus), as well as, the periphery. It is like the fulcrum and the outer rim of a wheel! No wheel is complete without these two- the center and the periphery of Time and space connected by the spokes of qualities (guna).
When we say, 'everything comes within the ambit of this running wheel of Time and Space, it is needless to say that all living beings are also governed by the same set of rules governing the space and time. The beginning of the universe may be traced to the 'Will' of the supreme Lord. 'He Willed' is the Vedic doctrine. The supreme Lord said, "I Am Alone, I Shall Become Many". Lo! there appeared the multitude of diverse universe of all organic and non-organic elements and their compounds. The first to come is the lightest of the gaseous element Hydrogen and then all others like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, and other non-metallic and metallic elements ensued! Now, what we see as the biotic formulations of C+H+O creating numerous carbohydrates and hydro carbons form the basis of Energy and Life. L I F E is the Energy aspect, the pranic energy that sustains all living beings. This is nothing but creative Knowledge, Technology, Ability to sustain the creation and Transform objects. In a way, this Light, Intellect, Force and Energy is all that govern the universe!
Now, once we know the basic structure of this universe (of Elements and Compounds) it is very important to know about the purpose, the goal of creation. In a sense, the very purpose of life is 'to know'. The question of attainment is thus answered in clear terms. One who is born human, equipped with power of thinking, ability to know, understand, should realize the true nature of the Self. The Self (Atman) is the core of the substance. It is the essence of all that exist. Hence, the goal of life is to gain 'Atma jnyan'. A person of attainment is thus the person with the knowledge of the Self. In the initial stages, it is essential to have a realized person as the teacher who may guide in this spiritual path. Later on, one should go on a well defined path of our ancient Rishis taking recourse to study of scriptures, nidhidhyasana, yogabhyasa, and get into higher state of transcendental meditative State and realize brahmn.
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