Monday 10 April 2023

'Secret of Good Health"

 It's said that 'Health is Wealth'. It will be astounding if we calculate the money we may have to spend for every ailment of an organ of our body. We never even think of this when everything is alright and there is no need to visit a clinic or hospital. We will not bother about our health when everything works normal. But we run to a doctor the moment a small pain appears somewhere in our body. We do not pay heed t the saying. "Don't run to a pot for every thirst and don't run to a doctor for every ailment"! One should be cautious these days before going to a hospital. The Doctors are appointed on contract system on the guarantee that they bring their patients and good sums of money to pay them good salary and perks! The maintenance of hospitals these days are almost prohibitive. They have to commercialize and get their expenses reimbursed by one way or the other. Hence, the patients have to bear the brunt. Doctors, medicines, hospitals and pharmaceutical industries are in collaboration as a cartel these days. It's a vicious circle. Hence, one should avoid going to hospital as much as possible especially when we know that the hospitals are run on commercial basis and kickbacks. It is now well known how doctors are appointed and paid on the basis of their ability to bring more patients and, of course, money along with them.

  Blessed are the ones who maintain good health. However, maintaining 'good health' is not so easy. Our food is adulterated. Our lifestyle is not conducive to maintain good health. It depends on family history, food habits, lifestyle, genetic and/or hereditary factors, etc.    

  The secret of good health is good nutritious food, proper exercise, hygiene and good daily habits. However, the most important factor that governs a healthy life is the family and surrounding ecosystem. People all over the world suffer from hunger, lack of good potable water, and extreme weather or environmental changes. The three important factors that affect us are called the 'tapa (heat) traya (three)'. Theses are 1. problems created by ourselves, 2. problems created by others, and 3. the problems created by nature. 

Normally, a happy person is one who maintains a balance of his/her body, mind and soul. Mind controls the body and a tranquil, peaceful, happy joyful disposition makes a healthy person. But, to be peaceful and happy is not easy. Some people are always unhappy, worried for no reason, and suffer mental agony even if there are no problems! Some people worry unnecessarily about things that are not even existing! How can anybody help a person worrying about the 'sky falling off', or about 'the sun not appearing the next morning'? These may appear to be exaggeration, but it is true in many cases of old people who are worried about their children living abroad! What is the use of our worrying about somebody who is happily sleeping in a far-off place! Hence, it's all in our mind. Stop worrying and start living! The best solution to any worried person is: "Trust in God" Everything will be alright. Lord Vishnu is specially appointed to look after and take care of all that is created! It is our lack of trust in Him that makes us worry and suffer. 

 God takes care of all. Trust in God and go ahead! A free mind is the key to success and happiness.


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