Thursday 4 March 2021

Who Created God?

'God created Man', they say. But, who created 'God'. Who else, but Man? So, God created Man and man created God. the equation is right? This is not the answer. God is already there, whether man is there or not. First came the subtler-most aspects of Time, Space and the cause and effect. In fact, Time started with the ticking of the 'atom'. Atomic clocks show exact time. The atomic energy is the chief source of energy. The sun is by far the chief source of energy for us. This Energy has all the ingredients or resources for creation. It is God who created the Sun as the learned Sages put it. Thus, God created Sun, the stars, the galaxy, and all that. The moment the sun emitted the rays of Light, heat, energy (electromagnetic waves) everything started in a sequence, like the Time, Space (created by the movement of rays), and its effect. 

In principle, the first creation is that of 'Space' since space is required for objects to occupy. It is the air that first occupied the space, thus created. The Vedic doctrine is 'kham brahma |\'kahm' is space, akash. Since everything is in space, it is said that 'sarvam khaluvidam brahma |Meaning, everything here is brahmn. Brahmn is prior to space since 'Brahmn' only manifests as space, time, and everything. Air is mainly composed of Oxygen and Hydrogen (H78 + O21+N1 %)  which supports Life.  It is this Oxygen and water (H2() that support life, called vatatmaja and Anjanitanaya Hanuman (Anjaneya), the Deity of Life, Prana deva or vayu jeevottama. This is how Gods are created by man.

Now, food is required for the jiva to survive. This is also God. annam brahma | Water is the essential element that support life. Water supports Consciousness, Human body is almost 70 % water. Hence, water is also God. Fire is God. In fact, everything is fire (Energy) in one form or the other, soma, surya, anala. The entire universe is made of Fire (Energy). All the vegetation serve as food and medicine. So vanaspataye namah, they said. The Vedic mantra are full of these praise for the Creation. Everything is God. God manifests as everything. God pervades everything as Consciousness, Prajnya and prana, 'Vishnu'. Hence, it is very clear that God is everywhere in what all that exist as the very core of the substance. "I am the Self of all', says the Lord. 

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