Sunday 24 May 2020

Manas and Chitta as Ocean and its Waves

    Manav (Man) is said to be borne out of Manu. It is the manas (Mind) that evolved into Manu and manav. The life and activity of the humans are controlled by the 'manas' and 'chitta', the Mind and its vibration. There are scriptural texts elaborately describing the 'manas' and 'chitta', but not much is known about these in the Western scientific world. The psychologists who deal with the mind only scratch the surface and have not gone any deeper! At best, they may talk about feminine aspect or the mind of children, or the state of lunatic's mind. One beautiful text on Mind is by Swami Shivananda of Hrishikesha. The various aspects of Mind is described in the text on Mind here.
    The Mina or 'manas' is the firs manifest form of brahmn. This 'manas' is also said to be Atman. The Creation (srushti) is the supposed to be the effect  the cause of which are 'manas' and 'chitta' of Paramatman. "He Desired." "He willed", say the texts. The 'Desire' (Ichha) or 'Will' (chitta)  of Ishvara is the cause of creation. This manas is one of the three manifest forms of antahkarana that emanate from the Atman. Ahankara (Ego) and Buddhi (Intellect) are the other two manifest forms. The entire human life depends on these three manifest aspects of the Atman, ie. brahmn. However, what this manas is,remains an eternal mystery! It(Mind) is a form of spiritual entity, say some sages and the materialists say that 'the Mind is Matter'. In fact, both these views are correct since Spirit only becomes Matter and Matter can revert to state of Spirit. The intensity, frequency and duration of vibration and the resultant nature of the waves decide whether the Mind is Matter or Energy (Spirit)! Mind is gross or subtle according to its state of vibration! Mind can expand, contract, or even disappear for some time! 
    The 'manas' and ;chitta' are thus like an ocean and its waves. The Ocean is real, static, while the waves are unreal and changing. The waves are caused by the winds. Stronger the winds, much fierceful are the waves! So also, a calm and peaceful mind is the natural sate. Any desire creates the vibration and waves like a pebble thrown into still water; stronger the desire, much stronger the waves and vibrations of the mind, such as, thoughts, ideas, dreams, aspirations, fear, anger, anxiety, etc. The desire bring forth action that results in joy, happiness, or anger, frustration, etc. These vibrations are the ruling factors of life!
   A jnyani or yogi will take recourse to yoga and maintains a calm and quiet state of mind and thereby will not be subject to vibrations and the result thereof! He is of an equanimous mind ('sthitaprajnya')  who will not have any dualities.  But, it is very difficult to attain this state of equanimity. Mind becomes a turbulent ocean when desires surge and destroy its peaceful state. The Mind is like a thermodynamic reactor, a reservoir full of energy. This energy has to be contained and channelized. The 'laya yoga' suggests total destruction of the mind. 'Kill it', says the laya yoga. But it is not possible to kill it since it is the basis of existence. No mind, no life, is the doctrine. However, one can channelize the forces of mind, chitta. The Mind can be mastered by a simple technique. Just observe it, it disappears! It is so simple as that. if one observes the mind keenly, the vibration stops! Go to the root of the desire, say the Great Sages like Ramana. It may not be possible to control it, but it can be easily observed and thereby mastered! 

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