Friday 10 August 2018

Ancient Wisdom

"They solved the problem with the words: Revered Sirs, Uddalaka the son of Aruna knows, at present, about the Vaisvanara Self. Let us go to him. They went to him." [Sama Veda, Chandogya Upanishad V, XI - Concerning the Universal Self, 2].
   The Veda and the Upanishads constitute the 'repository' of ancient wisdom. These are termed the 'shruti vakya' (Heard Voices as anahata dhvani) and 'smrutis' (Recollections by the learned sages). Each one of the Vedic statement has to be understood in deep contemplation and mere reading will not do. In fact the Veda was forbidden from writing and commentary since these were considered the 'heard voices'. The great sages went into long periods of askesis, tapas, and got revelations. Transcendental meditation is the best way to reach samadhi- savikalpa where revelations occur and, finally, it culminates in the 'nivikalpa' samadhi where the duality ceases to exist!. Many heard the inner voices as if heard from God from space! In fact, one is called a 'Rishi', a drushtara' only when he has 'heard' a mantra! Even today, there are devices in ear phones which give you many dimensions of voice, as if heard all around above the head! It is no wonder there were sages who sat in deeper contemplation on issues like space, prana, mind, jivatman and paramatman and such other abstract issues and realized their real meaning and purport. Anybody can do this, provided there is that conviction faith and earnestness seeking the 'truth'. Mere reading scripts will never help unless one goes into deeper contemplation.
  The Muktikopanishad gives a list of all the 108Upansihads as revealed by Shree Ramachandra to His beloved Anjaneya. These Upanishads are derived from the Veda and dwell upon various issues like the origin of the universe, life-forms and their creation, sustenance, dissolution, emanations, manifestations, etc. There are the Upanishads concerning Atman, Narayana, Narasimha, their mantra, and there are many concerning yoga, Liberation or mukti and moksha. Most of the Upanishads deal with the creation of the universe.
   In addition to the Upanishads there are six 'darshan shastra' (loosely termed philosophies) that deal with these very same doctrines. It is, indeed, essential that one should master these Upanishads and the darshan shastra if one has to gain complete knowledge. This may not be possible in a person's life-time! It is carry-over of several life of the jiva that attains sound knowledge of these ancient shruti and smruti. Careless and casual talks on these spiritual texts are dangerous. Half-knowledge is dangerous and that is  what most of the so-called self-styled teachers do these days? May be, a wise man shuts his/her mouth and keeps quiet!  

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