Saturday 4 November 2017

Can Embodiment be Prevented?

     Nobody knows the 'Whys' and 'Hows' of embodiment. But everybody knows what is embodiment. Embodiment is taking a form and performing function in a typical body, especially, the human as far as we are concerned. We do not know much about the birds, animals and plants. But definitely, the process involved is the same and the causes are also the same. The causes are said to be karma. It is said, it s one's karma to be born a dog or a cat or a pig, and it does not matter much, whatever it is as far as the principle of birth and death is concerned. There is also no guarantee that all beget children or all children born do survive full life! Many are also aborted. Hence it is still a mystery how the jiva takes a body and goes through the trouble and turmoils and finally ends its journey. However, it is also stated that human life is a rare gift and even Lord Krishna says, "this opportunity should not be misused, should be utilized to get his sayujya, sarupya and attain to moksha.
 It is emancipation, moksha, when the human being, jiva, cuts of all shackles and becomes free! This moksha does not come unless all the karmaphala are exhausted (by enjoyment or suffering, whatever it might be!). No one can even think of moksha unless all the prarabhda karma phala and sanchit karma are exhausted. There is no way out, other than taking to sat sang, svadhyaya, nidhidhyasana, and yajnya,dana and tapah. One has to exhaust all that is accumulated over several lives! 
   The simplest method of attaining to moksha is explained in Vishnu purana, Narada purna, and Shiva purana. "Offer a flower to Vishnu one Ekadashi, put water to Tulsi plant every day at sun rise, and pray Lord Shiva regularly. This will get you emancipation" says the epics.
  This regular practice of mental ritual like tapah will prevent the chances of rebirth. Yoga shastra gives a detailed methodology and instructs the techniques of attaining to moksha. Ultimately, the very purpose of human life is nothing else but breaking the chain of metempsychosis, breaking the chain of the cycle of birth and deaths. Otherwise there is no way out of suffering on this earth, a death-knell, where everybody born has to die and take again a form and function and accumulate karma phala.  

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