Saturday 27 August 2016

Mystery Resolved !

   Now, with the help of modern science the mystery of this universe is almost resolved. When the secret is known it remains no more a secret or a mystery. Now we know almost clearly what is a galaxy and how a star is born. A galaxy is a mass of cloud of stellar matter. A star is the condensate of this stellar mass of cloud. Thus, the Sun is a star in the galaxy called 'Milky Way' consisting of Hydrogen, constantly under friction, fission and fusion turning into Helium. What the spiritual texts say about the origin of the brahmanda is also the same! But the language and connotations are different. They speak of soma, surya and anala- tribandhu.  There is not much difference between what the early sages, Rishis, envisioned in their transcendental meditative mode (samadhi) and what the modern astronomers, physicists, and molecular biologists discovered through their powerful telescopes in Observatories or Lenses in their Laboratories.
   To be precise, the primordial matter that created the stars, planets, satellites, and life on earth is the same as the one that is explained as Atman (jivaanu) and paramatman, The jivaanu is the energy particle or prana shakti, The Vedic version of creation as eulogized in a number of sukta are also the same explained in a different way (formula, hypotheses and theories, and postulations) in science (quantum mechanics, particle physics, etc)
   Now, what is this Atman, the energy particle that is never created or destroyed? It is stellar particle, photon, a nakshatra kana as indicated in our birth chart (horoscope). On that fateful day when the radiant energy from a distant star  entered the solar sphere and merged with the sun rays and reached the earth's atmosphere, it started its journey as a soul in transit! A particle, photon, light energy (chit/Consciousness), full of Intelligence (buddhi), Force (chit and jnyan shakti), and Creative Force (kriya shakti) with a profound ability to create and transform subtler matter into mass of gross matter, entered the earth's atmosphere and then into the clouds and the rain drops, and finally fell on the earth (soil) to get embedded in gross matter.
   This is what Bhagavan Shree Krishna says, "I am in all moving and non-moving matter  (caharachara), as chaitanya" in its subtlest form. It appears as gaseous, liquid, and solid matter due to condensation. This is the fermions, ionic charges, without mass that lends mass to particles called the bosons; these are neutrinos- invisible matter in their subatomic state as an atom full of radioactive energy. Loss of energy in transformation, transition produces the end product into gross material like uranium becoming lead. Our Soul, the core substance called the Atman, is one such; it is as good as a photon, a particle of energy- a fermion that gained mass as a boson! This is the core substance of the spermatozoa, the cell, the DNA and the RNA. This is the primordial matter that gets embodied by itself (svayam) into a life-form of different shapes! The Boson is the condensate of mass of cloud of gas of stellar particles with mass; the fermions do not possess mass but lends mass to bosons. This is the root cause of energy in particles of matter on earth. All these are derived from distant stars (as Hydrogen?)! This is explained as 'divine will'- Shivechhe or Sri Hari's Will. The chance factor of a photon from a distant star entering the earth and getting into the soil and water to form into a living organism is 1 in a several trillionth ! Thus, each living organism is a vibrant energy particle embodied in some form or the other, like a grass, shrub, tree or an animal, or the humans! Even the 'devata' (elemental gods) are not excluded here since these are also energy, chaitanya or forces (shakti).
   Thus we are here as vibrant energy with embodied souls (jivatmans). Thus, everything is fire, energy here. The food we eat is energy, vitamins, proteins and the like (carbohydrates), The power of digestion is also energy in the form of hydrocarbons in different forms! Everything is Energy says the Rk Veda- agni, anala, soma. There is nothing besides Energy (in different forms) This is what is called brahman and everything is its manifestation. Energy cannot be seen, touched, created or destroyed! It is the absolute- unborn, eternal and immortal, the Atman! This makes things very clear as to who we are and what we are! It is just the amplitude, wavelength, frequency and intensity of this Energy that decides what things of this phenomenal objective world are. Hence the names, forms and functions are not real, but he Energy and its vibration is the only truth! The problem is that the renown samskruta pundits and shastris (scholars) may not know what science (quantum mechanics, wave theory, particle physics, biotechnology, DNA and RNA studies) tells and the scientists do not know what the Veda tells! Mere knowledge of samskruta bhasha, too, will not help here since the Vedic verses are full of coded esoteric letters and words and needs expert guidance for decoding!
   However, what we do not understand is how we,as the humans, take a jiva on this earth (take birth) and leave this body without realizing the truth. The life becomes a mystery due to the ignorance of the jiva. It does not remember how the photon, atman, gets embodied despite the fact that all these are explained by Bhagavan Shree Krishna in the Gita. The relevant shloka will be given later. The methodology is explained as "parjanyat bhavati annani, annat bhavanti bhutani", meaning, the rains bring food and the food supports life, rather creates life. What nters into the rain drops and annam is the chaitanya or energy. What exactly happens is that the Energy in the form of vitamins, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, DNA and RNA in a cellular form in the food, turned into semen from the father's food, enters the egg cell of the mother, and cell divisions create tissues, organs and the body becomes the like of the parents over a period of gestation (say, 9 months!). What all happens is the vibration, cell division, formation of tissues, organs and a body to function for a specific period. It is that energy as prana that sustains the jiva as jivatman and when the life-force is extinguished, the body withers away! It is not birth and death of a jiva. It is transformation of energy from one form into another, that's all. The jiva sustained by food will not be able to sustain for long since it is made of annam that us subject to disintegration and deterioration. If the body can go on forever, there will be no death at all! As it is medical engineering is promoting longer span of life replacing the defective organs like by-pass, transplantation, etc. But will the jiva attain by prolonging its life is the question?
  All these statements are supported by the words (uvacha) of the Bhagavan in the Gita. Only problem is that of proper interpretation with a greater insight obtained by yoga sadhana, nidhidhyasana, upasana, japa and tapa. The lord says, "One can attain Him through jnyana yajnya, vairagya, and total surrender to HIm.

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